Pines - Polly's Brew Co - IPA, 6.4%, 440ml Can


Polly's Brew Co
IPA, 6.4%, 440ml Can
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A fabled story we love to tell about how we're constantly learning; back in the before times when we were working with our amazing pals at North Brewing Co, we were astounded at how little whirlpool hops they added in the first stage of the brewing process. Imparting less bitterness is something we've been keen to explore in our beers, and we achieved this through bringing the whirlpool temp down, and whirlpooling for much less time and adding smaller additions of Enigma and Mosaic, meaning more hops for dry-hopping! Almost 40kg of Galaxy, Mosaic, and Simcoe ended up going into this beer during fermentation, and the results stand for themselves. An absolute juice bomb of a beer, and a welcome return for probably the best version yet of this amazing beer.