The tastes of the canteen. Love them or hate them, there is a beauty to the communal meals of our past. The anticipation standing in-line, the pot-luck nature - hoping for your favourite dish. Here we’ve re-created two of our stand-outs. Iconic dishes from the canteen. These are Canteen Classics.
A 6.0% chocolate sponge and mint custard pale ale for that after dinner treat.
6% ABV // 25 IBU // 440ML
INGREDIENTS: Water, Malted BARLEY (GLUTEN), WHEAT (GLUTEN), OATS (GLUTEN), Maltodextrin, Hops, Vanilla, Mint Chocolate Flavour, Custard Flavour, Yeast
Queue nicely, no pushing, there’s enough canteen classics for everybody.
The tastes of the canteen. Love them or hate them, there is a beauty to the communal meals of our past. The anticipation standing in-line, the pot-luck nature - hoping for your favourite dish. Here we’ve re-created two of our stand-outs. Iconic dishes from the canteen. These are Canteen Classics.
A 6.0% chocolate sponge and mint custard pale ale for that after dinner treat.
Much better than double maths.