B.A.B.S, put simply stands for ‘Barrel-Aged Blended Stout’.
This blend is made from 4 different beers that have been aged over 12 months using four barrel types: Single Malt Whiskey, Bourbon, Olorosso & Palo Cortado Sherry, and Red Wine Barrels.
The beers included in this blend are; Wildebeest, Wineybeest, a specially brewed imperial stout and ‘Delusions of Grandeur’, our yet to be released 16% imperial stout.
The personality of this beer comes from the characters derived from the speciality barrels that were used. Combining Islay and Bourbon Whiskey with that of Red Wine and Sherry brings waves of complexities in the form of smokiness, tannins, sweet vanilla, and oak woodiness. Not just the barrels are prevalent though, B.A.B.S is a blend of 4 different beers, including the maiden voyage of our new ‘Delusions Of Grandeur’ 16% imperial stout that will be used for blends to come...